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Orthotics, Dorchester, Dorchester Physiotherapy, Dorchester Physio, Dorchester Ontario, Orthotic Dorchester, Dorchester Custom Orthotics, Dorchester Orthotics

Casting Method For Custom Made Orthotics : There are two different casting methods we use at Dorchester Physiotherapy. The first is a non-weight bearing mold of the patient’s feet using a foam-casting box. The second technique is a prone non-weight bearing slipper cast taken with the patient in Sub Talar-Neutral position. 

Materials used For Custom Made Orthotics : Polypropylene/Polyethylene thermoplastic or EVA (accommodative) material is used to form a shell, which is available in various thicknesses ranging from 2mm to 9mm for the desired level of control and dimensional stability. This material is placed over the cast of the patient’s feet and formed under vacuum. This shell is then shaped to specifications indicated by the pedorthist using various grinding wheels and belts. The covering layers are selected based on functionality and clinician’s preference, with attention given to specific cushioning needs of the patient. These covering materials range from thicknesses of 1mm to 3mm depending on what type of footwear the orthotic will be placed into.

Orthotics can be made to fit a large number of shoes



Monday: 8am - 7pm

Tuesday: 8am - 6pm

Wednesday: 8am - 7pm

Thursday: 8am - 5pm

Friday: 8am - 2pm

Saturday/Sunday: Closed

   1 - 4327 Hamilton Road. Dorchester ON,  N0L 1G3    Fax: 519-268-7111

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